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I remember the times my grandfather would blast George Strait over the speakers of his old Chevy trying to educate me on Country Music, while twelve-year old me was sitting in the backseat, covering my ears. Appalled that my Backstreet Boys CD wouldn't make it into the middle console of his car, next to Willie, Merle, and Hank, I always told him stubbornly that I "hated Country music". 

A few years later, I would be sitting in a truck in Texas, on a way to a boot store. As we entered the store, the scent of new leather hit my nose, and Alan Jackson did the rest. I returned to Germany, packed my Backstreet Boys CD's away (Sorry Nick!) and made my grandfather extremely happy, when I requested not one, but two country albums for my birthday. 

This was roughly 16 years ago. 

Today I still listen to George, I still live in Germany, and my grandfather and I watch cooking shows about Southern cuisine, since Germans don't really believe in Biscuits & Gravy. I'm attending university and work as a tutor for German, English, and French. When I'm not at work or at university,  my boyfriend and I like to travel to new countries, islands, and explore cities. We love to learn about different cultures and traditions, but we mostly love to try new foods and drinks that we often try to recreate at home. 
Event planning and parties make my heart skip a beat, as I love to decorate and think of DIY's to make not only our homes, but parties more memorable for everyone!
On "Thinking Southern" I capture these experiences, not only in my writing and in photographs, but also in the recipes and DIY's I will share with you. Whether we will try out German Food with a Southern twist, plan the next Oktoberfest party, or enter the world's (culinary) landscape, come along on these journeys with me and let them inspire us together. 

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